Barclay Engineering manufacture a large range of Acoustic Enclosures to suit a customer’s specific need and noise requirement. Our enclosures can be customised to include options such as - Fuel Tanks and Fuel Systems, Internal Lifting Facilities, Fire Suppression Systems, Control Rooms, Storage Facilities, and Electrical Packages. We can also facilitate the installation of engines into enclosures, including all of the required electrical elements. We manufacture standard 20ft and 40ft container retrofits, through to custom built enclosures from 5ft to over 50ft to suit the following applications:
- All brands of diesel generators
- Cyclone rated options
- Gas and Air Compressors
- Oil & Gas S/Steel enclosures
- Modular power stations
- Industrial pumps
- Power houses ( Generation halls)
- Gas Turbines
- Range of standard, or purpose built attenuation, ventilation, exhaust and door options.
- To suit all db level noise reduction requirements